EÜK : Straelen


On 24 March 2003 Federal President Johannes Rau visited the Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium on its 25th anniversary.


"I came here to make clear how important the Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium is and at the same time to thank those who endure that."

Federal President Johannes Rau on his visit to the Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium on 24 March 2003



"One of these small institutions that I have grown fond of is the Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium in Straelen. Straelen is a small town on the Lower Rhine, on the border to the Netherlands. In this Übersetzer-Kollegium, translators can live and work on a project for days, weeks or months. The almost monastic atmosphere, community of colleagues and an outstanding library offer the optimum working conditions. I am glad that this centre exists. For I believe that good translations are becoming increasingly important - and that translators deserve the optimum conditions, so that they may carry out their difficult work as well as possible."

Federal President Johannes Rau on the occasion of the Internationale Verlegerkonferenz (International Conference of Publishers) in Berlin on 21 June 2004